
Carry On Beauty Case, Gucci Has You Covered

To me, one of the ultimate luxuries in the designer handbag world is travel pieces. This category isn’t discussed as much among bag lovers, but if you love designer bags, it is the next step up when it comes to your collection.

This Beauty Case features a signature Gucci Bamboo Handle Bag top, which makes it an extremely classic Gucci handbags look, paired with the GG Supreme Canvas Print and brown leather trim. The palladium-toned hardware pairs perfectly with the aforementioned details and looks really clean on the lock closure.

The interior also features red cotton linen lining, and the bamboo handle has a 1.5″ drop, while the detachable shoulder strap has a 23″ drop. order is available now

When it comes to clothing, shoes, accessories and beauty, Gucci offers it all to pair with its Gucci purse. From the oversized sneaker trend with a removable crystal twist to the limited edition fragrance with a sweet red berry scent to the coolest Cardigan with a NY Yankees patch, you can fill your Gucci travel gear with items that you fancy.

These aren't handbags that you always carry with you, the collection includes pieces that need to stand up to inclement weather and rough handling. Louis Vuitton has more than proven itself in this category a good friend has some LV luggage and he's seen it sit out in the pouring rain before being loaded into the plane.

